1. What are Cookies?
    Cookie-ul este un fisier de mici dimensiuni, format din litere si numere, care va fi stocat pe computerul, terminalul mobil sau alte echipamente ale unui utilizator de pe care se acceseaza internetul. Cookie-ul este instalat prin solicitarea emisa de catre un web-server unui browser (ex: Internet Explorer, Chrome) si este complet “pasiv” (nu contine programe software, virusi sau spyware si nu poate accesa informatiile de pe hard driverul utilizatorului).
  2. What are Cookies used for?
    Aceste fisiere fac posibila recunoasterea terminalului utilizatorului si prezentarea continutului intr-un mod relevant, adaptat preferintelor utilizatorului. Cookie-urile asigura utilizatorilor o experienta placuta de navigare si sustin eforturile noastre pentru a oferi servicii comfortabile utilizatorilor: ex: – preferintele in materie de confidentialitate online, cosul de cumparaturi sau publicitate relevanta. De asemenea, sunt utilizate in pregatirea unor statistici anonime agregate care ne ajuta sa intelegem cum un utilizator beneficiaza de paginile noastre web, permitandu-ne imbunatatirea structurii si continutului lor, excluzand identificarea personala a utilizatorului.
  3. What cookies do we use?
    We use two types of cookies: per session and fixed. The latter are temporary files that remain in the user's terminal until the session ends or the application (web browser) is closed. Fixed files remain on the user's terminal for a period of time in the Cookie settings or until they are manually deleted by the user.
  4. How are cookies used by this site?
    A visit to this site may place cookies for the following purposes:
    • Site performance cookies
    • Visitor analytics cookies
    • Geotargeting cookies
    • Registration cookies
    • Advertising cookies
    • Advertising provider cookies
  5. Do cookies contain personal data?
    Cookies themselves do not require personal information in order to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users. Personal data collected through the use of Cookies may only be collected to facilitate certain functionalities for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that makes it impossible for unauthorised persons to access it.
  6. Deleting Cookies
    In general, an application used to access web pages allows cookies to be saved on the terminal by default. These settings can be changed in such a way that the automatic management of Cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed each time Cookies are sent to his terminal. Detailed information about the possibilities and modes of Cookie management can be found in the settings area of the application (web browser). Limiting the use of Cookies may affect certain functionalities of the website.
  7. Security and privacy issues
    Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code so they cannot be executed or run themselves. Consequently, they cannot be duplicated or replicated on other networks to run or replicate themselves again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.
    Cookies can however be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about users' preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on many other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this fact and constantly flag cookies for deletion as part of anti-virus/anti-spyware deletion/scanning procedures.

Browsers generally have built-in privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.

Other security issues related to cookies:
Since identity protection is very valuable and is the right of every internet user, it is advisable to know what possible problems cookies can create. Because cookies constantly transmit information back and forth between the browser and the website, if an attacker or unauthorised person intervenes in the data transmission path, the information contained in the cookie can be intercepted.

Although very rare, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (e.g. an unsecured WiFi network).
Other cookie-based attacks involve incorrect cookie settings on servers. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability to trick browsers into sending information through unsecured channels. Attackers then use the information to gain unauthorised access to certain websites. It is very important to be careful in choosing the most appropriate method of protecting personal information.

Tips for safe browsing based on cookies.
Because of their flexibility and the fact that the majority of the most visited and largest sites use cookies, they are almost unavoidable. Disabling cookies will not allow the user access to the most popular and used sites including Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and others.
Here are a few tips to ensure that you can browse without worrying about cookies:

  • Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a level of cookie security that is comfortable for you.
  • If you don't mind cookies and you are the only person using your computer, you can set long expiry times for storing browsing history and personal access data.
  • If you share access to your computer, you may consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close the browser. This is one option to access sites that place cookies and delete any visit information when you close your browsing session.
  • Install and constantly update anti-spyware applications.

Many spyware detection and prevention applications include detection of attacks on websites. This prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software.
Make sure your browser is always up to date.
Many cookie-based attacks exploit weaknesses in older versions of browsers.

Cookie-urile sunt pretutindeni si nu pot fi evitate daca doriti sa va bucurati de acces pe cele mai bune si cele mai mari site-uri de pe Internet – locale sau internationale. Cu o intelegere clara a modului lor de operare si a beneficiilor pe care le aduc, puteti lua masurile necesare de securitate astel incat sa puteti naviga cu incredere pe internet.

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies may make certain sites unusable or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/view online advertising.

It is possible to set your browser not to accept cookies or you can set your browser to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if you are not registered using cookies, you will not be able to leave comments.

Toate browserele moderne ofera posibilitatea de a schimba setarile cookie-urilor. Aceste setari se gasesc de regula in “optiuni” sau in meniul de “preferinte” al browserului tau.

Pentru a intelege aceste setari, urmatoarele linkuri pot fi folositoare, altfel puteti folosi optiunea “ajutor” a browserului pentru mai multe detalii.
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
For third-party cookie settings, you can also consult the website:


This site uses cookies

COOKIES are required text files, which are used by websites to streamline usage and improve the services offered. These files are found on your browser, on your device's hard drive depending on the sites you visit and make your interaction with them safer and faster as they can remember your preferences.
Our site uses cookies to distinguish you from other users and this helps us to provide you with a better experience when you browse the site. The data stored in the cookie files on our website does not show personal details by which an individual identity can be established.
We use cookies to analyse website traffic and to personalise content.
The site cannot function at normal parameters without the use of cookies, without which access to secure areas of the site or page navigation would be hindered.
By using statistics cookies, we can analyse information about how you use our website and we will know what improvements we can make.
Conform legii, putem stoca cookies pe dispozitivul dvs, doar in cazul in care ele sunt necesare pentru navigarea pe site. Perioada de expirare a acestor fișiere de tip cookie este de maximum 2 ani. Daca nu esti de acord cu folosirea cookies necesare functionarii normale a site-ului, va trebui sa abandonezi navigarea pe site-ul nostru. Pentru diferite alte tipuri de cookies, este necesar acordul dumneavoastra.
Vă puteți retrage consimțământul privind fișierele de tip cookie în orice moment. În acest scop, puteţi să blocaţi sau eliminaţi fişierele cookie, fie prin intermediul setărilor browser-ului dvs., web sau prin utilizarea unor software-uri puse la dispoziţie de terți, sau urmând instrucţiunile specifice pentru categoriile de cookies din secţiunile următoare. In orice situaţie, pot apărea probleme legate de utilizarea anumitor părți ale site-ului web, dacă dezactivaţi fişierele de tip cookie.
Your consent to the use of cookies is valid for the domain www.florimpextim.ro

COOKIES for Marketing, are used to store a user's visits and searches on the web and display relevant and engaging ads based on recent searches. This type of cookies are used by advertising agencies.
COOKIES Preferences, allow the site to remember information such as your preferred language or the area you are in.
Statistical COOKIES, help us understand how users interact with our site by collecting information anonymously.
Our website may include social communication features such as links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin or Youtube. These functions may store information and may activate a cookie file for proper functioning.
Our website may use links to other sites that we do not control, therefore we ask you to carefully read their personal data and privacy policies.

Google Analytics
Website-ul nostru utilizează Google Analytics, un serviciu pentru analiza web, furnizat de Google. Google Analytics utilizează fișiere de tip cookie pentru a ajuta un anumit Website să analizeze modul în care utilizați respectivul Website. Informațiile generate de fișierele de tip cookie cu privire la utilizarea de către dvs. a website-ului (inclusiv adresa dvs. IP), vor fi transmise și stocate de Google pe servere care pot fi localizate în UE, SEE şi/sau Statele Unite. Google va utiliza aceste informații în scopul evaluării utilizării de către dvs. a website-ului, elaborând rapoarte cu privire la activitatea website-ului pentru operatorii website-ului și furnizând alte servicii referitoare la activitatea website-ului și la utilizarea internetului.
If you have any questions or concerns about the processing and storage of your data, or if you wish to amend or delete your data, please contact us at [email protected]
Putem actualiza Politica Cookie si va vom informa despre modificari prin postarea noii variante pe site-ul nostru la sectiunea “Politica Cookie”

Please check this section periodically to be aware of any changes.


Pentru a accesa, corecta, șterge și limita prelucrarea datelor personale (GDPR), vă rugăm să ne contactati la adresa de email [email protected]
Puteți solicita datele dvs. cu caracter personal, astfel încât să poată fi utilizate sau transmise catre un alt procesor (GDPR) la adresa de email [email protected]
În cazul în care considerati ca datele dvs. personale nu au fost protejate conform legii, aveți dreptul de a depune o plângere la autoritatea de supraveghere (GDPR).
