Angajamentul SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL cu privire la protectia datelor cu caracter personal

SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL cunoaște importanța datelor dumneavoastra personale și se angajează să protejeze confidențialitatea și securitatea acestora. De aceea, este important pentru noi să vă furnizăm într-o manieră integrată informațiile legate de prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, în cadrul prezentelor Termeni si Conditii.

SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL respectă confidenţialitatea tuturor clienţilor noştri şi confidenţialitatea tuturor vizitatorilor website-urilor noastre şi va trata/prelucra datele personale cu mare atenţie, in conditii tehnice si organizatorice de securitate adecvata.

Personal data are collected either only with your consent/acceptance, if they are provided knowingly, willingly, on your own initiative, or at the request of SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL, for example through one of the online forms used, i.e. online contact form, online service order form, etc., by subscribing to newsletters (of course, only after you have opted to receive these newsletters), participating in prize draws and competitions, by filling in data in the account registration form on a SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL website, etc.

Your use of this website is subject to the present provisions and the General, Technical and Participation Conditions of SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL.

Dacă nu sunteţi de acord cu oricare dintre termenii prezentelor termeni si conditii  nu utilizaţi niciunul dintre website-urile noastre sau nu ne furnizaţi datele dvs. personale. Este posibil ca anumite servicii să fie condiţionate de furnizarea datelor dvs. personale.

SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL will only process your personal data to the extent that this is necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned below, in compliance with legal measures of data security and confidentiality.

What personal data does SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL process?

The processing of personal data reprezintă orice operațiune sau set de operațiuni, care se efectuează asupra datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, prin mijloace automate sau neautomate, cum ar fi: colectarea, înregistrarea, organizarea, structurarea, stocarea, adaptarea sau modificarea, extragerea, consultarea, utilizarea, alinierea sau combinarea,  restrictionarea, blocarea, ștergerea, distrugerea, arhivarea.

In order to access SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL websites, you do not need to provide us with any personal data.

In contextul desfasurarii activitatii curente a SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL, va putem solicita  anumite date cu caracter personal.

 In this respect, SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL will process, among others, the following personal data:  numele și prenumele, telefon/fax, adresa de facturare/livrare, e-mail, adresa IP

Who are the data subjects?

The persons (data subjects) whose data may be processed by, exclusively for the purposes mentioned below are::

  • SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL's individual customers (current, former or potential);
  • Visitors to the website who have voluntarily subscribed to the newsletter.

What are the purposes of collecting personal data?

We use your personal data only for the following purposes scopuri:

  • The commercial/contractual activity of SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL;
  • Invoicing and collecting the value of the services of SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL;
  • Marketing, promotion, advertising, publicity, loyalty programs, including the transmission of general or personalized commercial offers; development and improvement of services
  • Customer relationship management; commercial communication with customers by any means of communication;
  • Audit and control/supervision activities;
  • Archiving, statistical purposes;

SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL will consider all information collected from you as confidential and will not share it with third parties without your express and prior consent.

Processing of personal data for promotional purposes (marketing)

Datele cu caracter personal furnizate  de dumneavoastra (cum ar fi: nume si prenume, adresa de e-mail, nr. fax, nr. telefon mobil/fix, etc ) vor putea fi prelucrate de SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL cu respectarea drepturilor dvs., in special a dreptului de informare si opozitie, in urmatoarele scopuri: marketing (inclusiv marketing direct), concursuri, efectuarea de comunicari comerciale pentru serviciile SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL.

If SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL intends to use your data for direct marketing purposes, (if the data subjects have opted in) you will be informed in advance. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking the appropriate boxes in the forms/documents used for the collection of personal data.

Indiferent de situatie, in cazul in care veti dori ca datele cu caracter personal sa inceteze a mai fi prelucrate, ne puteti solicita in mod expres incetarea oricarei prelucrari de date din partea noastra. Totodata, atunci cand veti dori sa nu mai primiti newslettere sau materiale informative, va puteti dezabona folosind butonul „Dezabonare” sau „Unsubscribe”.

In relation to SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL, you benefit, according to the applicable legal provisions, from the following rights: right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of data, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to opposition and automated individual process.

Duration of processing of personal data

În vederea realizării scopului menţionat, SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL va prelucra datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal pe toata perioada de desfasurare a activitatilor, pana in momentul in care dumneavoastra, sau reprezentantul legal/conventional al dvs, veti exercita dreptul de opoziţie/ de stergere.

What security measures are used to protect your data?

In order to avoid unlawful use of personal data, as well as possible misuse, we use security methods and technologies, together with appropriate policies and procedures, to protect the personal data collected.

SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL makes every effort to protect your personal data. Once we receive information about you, we will use strict security procedures and measures against unauthorized, unlawful use, destruction, accidental loss or disclosure of personal data.

What are your rights?

By reading this document, you have been informed of your rights, as provided for by the applicable legal provisions, namely: right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of data, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to opposition and automated individual process.  Also, when processing is carried out on consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in writing, addressed to SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL, in accordance with the applicable legislation, without affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes, using, if applicable, the unsubscribe function included in the marketing materials.

Prin citirea acestui document dumneavoastra ati luat  la cunostinta si intelegeti faptul ca datele cu caracter personal furnizate catre SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL constituie elemente determinante pentru accesarea serviciilor oferite de SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL si/sau derularea activitatii comerciale/contractuale.
