This document by its content makes available to third party users the Terms and Conditions of use of the website

Magazinul online este operat de societatea SC FLORIMPEX TIM SRL, cu sediul in Timisoara, UTVIN, NR.433 A, CLADIREA NR.20, SAT UTVIN COM. SÂNMIHAIU ROMÂN, JUD. TIMIS, inscrisa in Registrul Comertului cu numarul J35/774/2007. Utilizarea site-ului (incluzand accesul, navigarea si cumpararea produselor de pe acest site) constituie un acord implicit de respectare a termenilor si conditiilor enuntate in cuprinsul prezentului document cu toate efectele si consecintele ce decurg din aceasta.

Administratorul site-ului isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica in orice moment continutul acestui acord, fara notificarea prealabila a persoanelor care il utilizeaza, denumite in continuare „Utilizatori”. Utilizatorii vor avea acces permanent la termenii si conditiile de utilizare a serviciilor, pentru a le putea consulta in orice moment.

Site content and intellectual property rights

The content of this site may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted or displayed for any purpose other than those expressly and legally permitted. The extraction of any information followed by any use for commercial purposes beyond the scope of private copying regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without prior written consent of the owners of property rights constitutes a breach of the terms and conditions.

You also agree not to affect or interfere in any way with the security features of the site, features that prevent or restrict use, copying of content, or features that restrict use of the site or its content.

Consumers' right to unilaterally terminate the contract

Please ensure that you have checked the product specifications and compatibility by visiting the manufacturer's website before purchasing. The commercial relationship between the buyer and is officially regulated by Government Ordinance 130/2000, on the protection of consumers in the conclusion and execution of distance contracts.

The consumer has the right to notify the trader in writing that he/she renounces the purchase, without penalty and without giving any reason, within 14 working days of receiving the product or, in the case of services, of concluding the contract. The product may be returned within 14 working days if it is in the same condition as purchased, with no signs of wear or consumption.

Administratorul site-ului face eforturi permanente pentru a pastra acuratetea informatiilor de pe site, insa uneori acestea pot contine inadvertente (erori de operare). Atentie: fotografiiile au caracter informativ si pot contine unele specificatii, care pot fi modificate de catre producător sau pot conţine erori de operare.


In order to access and use certain sections of the website it may be necessary to create a personal account. You hereby declare that you assume full responsibility for any and all activities carried out through the account you open on the website and, consequently, we advise you to ensure the security of your account password or other access data. If the security of your account is compromised, you must notify the site administrator immediately. is not responsible for any damage caused to you or to third parties of any kind through unauthorized use of your account.

Applicable law

By using the website, the user agrees that the laws of Romania will govern the Terms and Conditions of Use and any dispute of any kind that may arise between users and the administrators of the website or its associates/partners/affiliates. In the event of any disputes, an attempt will first be made to resolve them amicably, and if amicable resolution is not possible, the dispute will be settled in court, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.

Availability of the service

The administrator of the online shop reserves the right to modify the structure and interface of any page or subpage of the website at any time and at any freely chosen time interval, having the right to temporarily or permanently, partially or totally interrupt the services made available to the public through this website without any individual or general prior notice.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms of use, please do not hesitate to contact us via the dedicated contact form or at [email protected].

